I got my camera back from the Camera Dr., and it finally works! They tried sending it back a 3rd time telling me nothing was wrong, so I told them to keep it, look again, use it like a consumer would, because something WAS wrong. It came back and all the settings were different, so someone did something to it - and it works! I still have a few settings to fix (noise when it turns on) but I can do that later.
Here are a few misc pictures from the weekend, and they are not going to be in any particular order.
Here is my 2008 Extreme Mustang Makeover horse, Tripp. He is still a luv bug.

Tripp in the snow...

He consistently has a snowy nose...

Susie wanted in the action. She is Brian's Quarter mare.

Nevada in the snow...

Head shot of Nevada - he is such a regal boy and keeps everyone in line. I love watching him work things out with the trouble makers (Tripp). He never attacks anybody, he just has chats with them.

Nevada and Tripp....

Nakita the snow dog...the Huskeys are happy!

Mustangs in the snow...

Chase the llama nosing around...wondering what we are doing...

Batman with a snowy nose...he was moving around like a mini bull dozer...CUTE!

I spent a couple hours out there y-day when the sun came out, and Batman was all lovey dovey and gave me a smooch! In fact, he gave me lots of smooches. :-) He loves me!

Batman with the donks, and Tandee my Arab mare peeking out the barn door.

Batman and Tandee under the new canopy yesterday...

My Mom came out to visit. She says that Batman is hers, so if anything happens to me, Batman can live in her back yard with her dogs. :-)

Ajax the burro, with Tandee peeking thru the plexi stuff on the barn door...she was not coming out if she didn't have to...

Ace, last years rescue, has come along quite nicely...he is nosing the camera...

On the ugly snowy day the horses came up to the barn looking for treats. It was hard to see thru the blizzard and Joker took a left at Albequerque and ended up in the large pen...Ace followed, not knowing they were off the path...oh no! They are stuck! What are a couple of young mustangs to do? I will tell you what they did - they got saved by a girl! HA HA!!!! That would be me!

They are dealing with the weather, and it is obvious some of them don't care one bit for this stuff, and others are happy no matter what. Me....I am ready for summer! :-)
Until later....Karen and Tripp who is one of the snow lovers!