Saturday the weather was fantastic! I started working with Wyoming and Tacy wanted in on the action. She kept asking to come in the pen - no, you have to wait - is it time yet? No, you have to wait. Well, I remember when I was a little girl around horses and I totally understand why she had a hard time waiting! :-)
I got done what I needed to, then it was her turn. Tiger and Wy were both wonderful so I trusted them to take care of Tacy, and I trusted Tacy to take care of them.
(NOTE: Not growing up wearing a helmet, I still yes, I am aware than neither of us is wearing one, and it is something that I will work on! Brian didn't notice either until we talked about it tonite)
Wyoming is checking out the Assistant Trainer Extraordinaire....

Tacy takes Wy for a spin...

More spinning....

Tacy pets Wy and tells him what a good boy he is...


Tacy loves on Wy and thanks him for letting her ride...

Tacy and Tiger meet...

Tacy takes Tiger for a spin...

After her ride, Tacy wanted to work on Tiger's leading...

Then she wanted to lead him with me riding, just like I did with her...

Tacy pauses and lets Tiger know how good he is doing...

Time to brush Tiger...

Tacy brushes Tandee while waiting for me to finish with Tiger...

Sunday it was more slick than muddy due to the rain, but we decided to visit the horses for a while anyhow.
Tiger and Wy check out Tacy...

Tiger and Wy discuss Tacy...."Hmmmm, should we eat her now?"

Tacy meets Jester the donk...

After a hard day at work, it is time for the pool! Uncle Brian and Niece Tacy play in the pool after cleaning it out for the dogs.

It was a real neat weekend, and I got lots of video of Tacy too. We worked on her not TELLING and YELLING at the animals...we ASK them here. We also tell them how good they are doing, and we thank them when we are done because it is an honor for a horse to let us ride them. When her Dad picked her up today I thanked her for helping me train the mustangs and she said "I said thank you. I love horses."
What else is there to say? :-)
Until later...Karen and Tripp