(This post will be told by Wyoming - he is very excited to be home!)
HELLO!!!!! I am back!!!!! And from the sounds of what my girl has been saying, I will be sticking around for a while! Woo hoo! Some of you know me...I was a TIP horse from last year and had an adopter. Things just did not work out - oh don't get me wrong, she loved me and still does, but I am young and like to get out and go go go, and they were not ready for go go go yet. So, my girl brought me back home and sent me to another place that loved my videos because I am a thinker...the place has a lot of kids who ride all the time. My girl thought this would be the ideal place for me because I would be challenged mentally and I would get out and have some fun. I love to go on adventures on the trails. There are a lot of horses there too. I will admit that I picked up a few bad habits while I was there....bolting and bucking being a couple of them. Don't ask me why....it just happened. Anyways, as time went on the girl who wanted me rode a 'been there done that' type of horse and decided she would buy her instead of adopt me. Personally I am asking, what is the fun in 'been there done that?' but hey, that is just me! (snicker snicker)
It was a rough winter and I came back not looking so good. My girl is not a happy camper about this for several different reasons, but she is working thru it. I really am okay, and have told my girl that...I just need to get some good groceries and get some muscle back on my hot bod!
Here I am the day after I got back - this was a week ago. I also picked up other bad habits - I won't back with the halter, and I tried to run my girl over at feeding time, then I tried to shove her and the bucket out of the way so I can eat. She convinced me I didn't have to share my feed pan with anybody except the llama, and that is ONLY if I want to. I also re-learned real quick that pushing the girl is not a good thing. (snort snicker)
Here I am one week later, after a day of play! My girl was not going to let us into the yard because we had some wild and crazy storms, and she didn't want the yard torn up. But my girl came thru for us! She really isn't the type who has to have the manicured lawn...so we got to get out and play!
Here I am at the birdhouse pole. There is a small patch of grass around this pole that tastes sooooo good! The donks liked it too - but I ate a bit first. First come first served they say...
I am not looking too bad after a week, eh? I am happy! Oh, check this out! I think Batman remembers me! We were running and playing around the yard, and kicking up mud and grass clods! Woo hoo! That little guy sure has grown! He says he still wants to be a mustang when he grows up! And by golly I think he will be! I am proud of him!
Hmmmm, I see my girl has not changed her ways. She has brought some other mustangs to the place. Apparently Tiger and myself were so good she wanted to do it again. I had to check out Thunder to make sure my girl was safe. Yep, she is safe. Thunder is very nice. We were scratching each others withers this afternoon after our romp thru the yard. He is a good scratcher!

Thunder is learning how to trailer load and I am trying to let him know it isn't that bad. If he loads up nice, he will get to go to other places and take long walks! Thunder tells me he has been in several times, but it is just weird going in after the girl, and his 'driving' skills are still in question. He has a great mind, he will get it! So far he is half getting it (get it? half getting it because he is half in? Ha ha!), but hey, we all have to start somewhere, right? In his defense, the ground and trailer floor is wet so it is slippery. Wait! Is the girl giving him a bite of food? I didn't get a bite of food when I learned to load! Well, I guess some things do change! Hmpf!
The girl has this thing about pictures....of course she had to get the inside shot....
This has not changed. The girl is very patient, and she loves us. When we do good, she always takes time to just soak it in with us....
I love forehead rubs too....HELLO! Oh wait, this isn't about me right now. Good boy Thunder!
Back to our day in the yard...my girl enjoyed watching all of us hang out together. She calls it harmony. She also uses the word 'dream' a lot, then she smiles. Here is Batman my buddy, Tandee, Paco (I don't think he likes me) and Thunder (I know he likes me).
I think Paco is jealous of me. Wish you could have seen it! Thunder and I were scratching each others withers and it was awesome! Thunder says Paco really isn't into that, he is very independent and his own horse. After Thunder and I were done...Paco went up to Thunder and half heartedly started nibbling withers. I am glad to see this because they are going to be living together for a long time. Paco is a very handsome mustang if I do say so myself! (I am secure in my gelding-hood so I can say that)
Paco has had the girl stand over his back before, but nothing like this!
The neighbor dude has a lot of ducks and geese. There are 5 goslings in this bunch and they were in the newly seeded area next to our pen. Aren't they cute? The neighbor dude came up this morning and got help from my girl to shag them back onto their own area. I don't know why because the girl was just fine with them visiting.
The weather really is not that great these days. There has been a lot of rain, which means a lot of mud and I think we are all sick of it. Today was sunny and beautiful but it was not windy enough to dry the mud out. No worries...the girl let us out most of the afternoon even tho the ground was like a sponge. Then all of a sudden we heard thunder, no, not the horse Thunder, but real thunder as in the kind that God makes when he has lightning flash everywhere! We went from beautiful and sunny to this!
And check out this panorama shot! It shows the light blue sky and the dark sky....woooo weeeeee....it was scary stuff for a while!
Are you confused yet? Now check this out! No joke, this came right after all the dark stuff!
And the dark clouds are moving away.....
We had such a wonderful day and I am glad to be back. The llama is not as nice as he was last year but the girl keeps saying something about a trip to the vet - she also mentions that they eat llama in South America! YIKES! She winked at me...I know she would not eat him, but she says they really do! She looked it up on the Internet! (snicker snort) I know once I get back in shape me and my girl and going to start working out again. I am already getting some of my manners back and rubber curry scratches are way better than I remember them! Yep, life is good again!
Until later....Karen and Tripp who let Wyoming tell part of his tale...