Yes, I am still trying to get caught up on blog entries. I asked myself why bother? Why not just start again beginning now? This weekend I was looking for a few pictures and as I was going through the blog, I laughed, I cried, I laughed some more......
So I will continue to get caught up. The blog is like a public diary and I really do love looking back. It reminds me of what I did wrong, what I did to improve, what obstacles I encountered and what I did right. It also reminds me of the things I did that were only dreams many years ago!
My friend Sharon sent home a bouquet of her flowers from her arbor. Thomas thought they were as pretty as I did! Thank you Sharon!
Laramie thinks they are purdy also. :-) therapy.
Hee hee is things like this that get them in trouble with Brian. We have so much fence to fix and build better. Or maybe we should just plant all the greener grass on the other side...that should solve it, right? Ha ha!
My father-in-law got some old wheels from an auction, so I took a few pictures and played with the black/white settings and the cropping. I need to print them out and put them in some frames I have. That like many other things will be on my 'to-do' list.
There really is nothing to say about is more of a feeling than anything else.

Epona and Tripp hoping to be cute enough to get hand fulls of grass from the garden area.
Yes, they were cute enough! How can I deny them?
As you know, the summer was one of no riding because of the wrist. It is amazing what small area of the body can cause such big problems. But what I have been doing is working with Wyoming with things like this. He wore the big rubber pan for a while. Brian had mentioned he could tell I was doing things with Wy because Wy was making some changes for the better. Yay! That always makes me feel good. They are not huge changes, but any change for the better is a step in the right direction.
Laramie looking cute! At this point he has been with us almost a year. August 2014 will be his 1 year anniversary with us. We sure do love this little dog!
They eye of Ace...

This is the eye of an annoyed horse....annoyed because I am trying to get a cool eye shot with the sunflowers in the background and he wants to be left alone. They do show their pleasure or displeasure. :-)

And then all of a sudden they are happy again!

I love hauling hay out of this field. It is at Brian's Grandpa's old place, and it is just beautiful! Awesome sky, awesome clouds, and good help! We get enough hay for his Dad first, then we bring the rest back home. We usually get a couple big loads out of it.
We wait in the shade while they take care of the bee nest. I hate they had to move it, but there was no other option. It was small and full of larvae.

Checking the moisture the old fashioned way....

Not much prettier than a field that is already cut and ready for baling and blue skies letting you know there is no race against rain.
Art comes in all forms.....

One of my many favorite photos...

Madison and I waiting until we are needed...
Madison in the hay field with us; she is always ready to help! She has been like that since she was little....stuck to her Dad's side like glue and ready to do what she can to help with whatever he is doing.
Madison endulges me during self portrait time! :-)
Madison was helping throw bales from the hay trailer to the flatbed trailer that will go home with us.

The fruits of everyone's labor...

I volunteered at Cedar Creek Therapeutic Riding Center for the summer session. It was AWESOME!!! I met the most awesome people, and watching what the horses do with and for the kids and adults warms the heart. It also is a big reminder of how blessed I am in so many ways. Not just because I am me, but because I have horses in my life every single day. I do need to get the wrist fixed before I do this again. Some of the horses like to pull on ya, and by the end of the sessions I was in a lot of pain. I am hoping to volunteer the summer of 2015 again.
And that my friends is the end of July 2014.
Until later...Karen and Tripp who is still enjoying his time off.