Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Me and Tripp are going on a diet....but not today. :-)

HUH???? ME?????

And this is why Tripp has to go on a diet.

This is how he looks most of the time! Ha ha! And me....well, I had dropped some poundage, but put some back on when I was out of town. I need to work on getting rid of it. So even tho it is getting cold, we are going to start working a little bit. It is going to be tough because the days are short, and did I mention it is cold? I am a Summer kind of girl, so this weather makes it more of a challenge for me to stay the happy person I usually am. But I try..... :-D

After another day of rain, it was so windy and the skies were just crazy! We ended up with a beautiful rainbow. How can a person not smile at that?

Finally! A picture of all three donks with their head in the treat pan! When I would put the camera down, they would all three eat.....pick the camera up, they would rotate head up/head down.

Jester is getting along quite well, and he knows I am the food girl, so that means I am his friend. He still doesn't like to be touched all over, but he is slowly coming around. I did pick up his front feet the other evening! Yay!

Joker is....well, he is Joker! Here he is sharing space with the chickens. They don't seem to bother him, and when the guineas and turkeys fly over, it does not phase him.

Joker is still very jumpy. I decided that I don't care if I forget he is jumpy. I just move around like I usually do, and he is going to have to realize that it is normal, and nothing bad is going to happen to him. If I move too quickly, he will zoom away, but when I follow him he will give me his face. We can pick up his front feet, but have not messed with the back yet. He still does not like his body messed with. He will tolerate it, but he is on point and looks like he is ready to snap, so I think it is safer to stay clear of anything that can hurt me like those little hooves of his.

We have acquired another very cool pet, but you all will have to wait to see what she is. If all goes according to plan, we should pick her up Thursday evening, which means I will get pictures either that day or Friday, which means I will get them posted asap! You will love her!

Not much else is going on, so I will sign off.
Thanks for checking back with us! It keeps the journey alive!

Until later.....Karen and Tripp


Unknown said...

What's your new pet? Wait..wait..I know.. a Lama? I have always wanted a sea lion..but everyone thinks thats a dumb idea. HA HA
Weather is about 40 here in Florida. It makes working the new 17+hands warmblood a little difficult not only does he look huge with steam puffing out his nose, I'm to frozen to hold the rope.

Christina de Pinet said...

That pic of Tripp is HILARIOUS!!!