Oh where to begin...we have been so busy (like most people this time of year). Saturday the plan was to ride a couple of the horses a couple of times. Late morning I get a call that we can pick up hay out of the field. Can't pass up the non-muddy weather to get hay - so away we went. Made 3 trips that took most of the day. The first trip we had a visitor. This little guy came out from under the windshield wiper while we were driving down the road. When we got home we took him off the truck and put him under the deck.

We picked up round bales! Here are my personal pro's and con's to round bales. Pro's: EASY EASY EASY! Con's: Missing that one on one time of taking out square bales every morning and night and visiting with each horse. But with so many horses, gotta go with EASY!
That night I started tearing down the pen and got the ground cleaned off as much as we could before the new mustang comes in on Friday. Sunday morning we got the pen put back up...just a little smaller. We still have two panels to put an extension on so they are 6 ft tall or more.
Last night we took the other panels and made a bigger pen behind the barn. Of course it rained - wait, it did not just rain, it poured, again yesterday starting mid morning and again today. When I was out of town I tried to promise I would not complain about the mud. I am not complaining yet, but it sure is getting close!
Here are a few pictures in random order...sort of.
Wyoming's adopter, Carol, is ready to have him home. I would like to get a good couple weeks put on him and I am hoping it dries out enough to do that. Her daughter also adopted a mustang and she got a call from her horses trainer to come ride him and make sure all is good. They would like to get both boys home close to the same time. This is all so exciting for me, and I will admit I am very nervous. I want this to be a great experience for everyone. I know Wyoming is very very green and will be for a few years, but I still am nervous. He will be the first horse I have trained for someone else. I will take him to his new home and we will work together and I will show Carol how I did things. We will see how it goes, see how the comfort zones are, and then go from there. One of my goals was to make sure that he is safe for Carol, and I believe he is safe for her and anybody else who hangs out with him. He is quite the teenager tho and has his little 'catch me if you can' fits, but once he realizes running from me makes him have to run more, he usually turns and looks at me with that "WHAT?" look on his face. Then I walk up to him and all is well in Wy land.
He is taking a trip to the vet tomorrow. He has a big knot under his jaw that started oozing, and it is touchy. The other night I did not ride him in the big open area (gut told me to wait) but I saddled him and we did quite a bit of ground work. He listened to me and we had a great time. When I let him loose he took off running with Tiger, so his energy level is where it normally is, and his appetite is normal. I am wondering if he scratched his jaw on the barbed wire (I know - barbed wire bad! One of the many goals is to get rid of it and get something barbless) and it got infected. So, a visit to the vet for that and update his shots and get a coggins. He will be all ready to go to his new home then.
I like all trainers and clinicians. If five of them are lined up saying something that means the same exact thing, I might understand it from two of them - so for me, the more trainers/clinicians the better. I have recently started watching a lot of Parelli on RFD, and I really like a lot of what they do. I started playing with their way of backing the horse up, and Wy did very good at it. The first few times when I shook my finger at him, he just looked at me 'waiting for me to tell him what to do'. He makes me smile because sometimes he has that little kid look on his face just waiting to do something good. Anyways, we worked on that, and here he is backing up....good boy Wy!

This was tonite's sky. This was after me telling myself I was not going to complain about the mud, and it was like God gave me this beautiful picture to take my mind off the promise. He is smart...did not want to hear me bellyache about it, so he gave me something else to think about. :-)

This is the smallest mushroom I have ever seen! You can tell by the size of my fingers that this thing is tiny! I thought it was cute! How did I find it? I saw this cute piece of wood that reminded me of drift wood. I picked it up and was brushing it off and there it was.

Rain showers off and on all evening, so I was wandering around with the horses. Here we have Rico (QH/Crop out paint baby), Ace (mustang rescue) and Joker (last years EMM yearling that my husband adopted).

Here is good 'ol Tripp and myself!

Chase the llama...with is piece of hay. He lays down a lot and eats, and he even lays down by the water tank to take a drink. I was worried at first, but he seems happy so who am I to say what is weird or not...he still has not spit on me so he can do what he wants!

Sunday the sky got so neat! The picture just doesn't do it justice, but it gives you an idea. It was heavy, it was smooth, and the rain that came was one of the hardest we have ever had here! Water was gushing over both hillsides and into the barn! Sometimes it will come in the doorway, but not roll into the whole barn.

Batman has teeth - and here they are! I love baby horse teeth because they are so big and just plain ol' cute!

Batman was smelling a spot where someone had pooped. He kept digging at it, smelling it and making faces. Cracked me up!

Check out the bangs!

Batman has advanced to hanging out with the big boys and girls. Here he is at one of the round bales. Yep, he wants to be a mustang when he grows up. I told him he can be anything he wants! :-)

Batman got his hooves trimmed last weekend - Brian kept part of the trimmed off hoof for the scrap book. He really did good considering he is full of nothing but energy. On the last foot he finally had enough, then layed down. He just stayed there and I trimmed him up. They are easier to maneuver than the bigs, but those little hooves are tough to do! I am big and clumsy, and they are so tiny and dainty. He is standing much better tho. He also got a small lesson in leading. We did not have anything small enough so Brian made a rope halter out of a lead rope.

I am going to lay on ice now....
Last night when we were taking 4 panels apart, we thought that two of them were attached at the corner, and we were wrong. One was a 6 ft corral panel with a gate opening attached. I was leaning over by Brian's feet picking weeds and I heard the metal panels move but did not think anything about it, then it came down on my lower back. Knocked me down! Yes, it hurt, Yes, I can walk, and Yes, today it hurts a lot more than it did last night. Poor Brian was freaked and a little worried about me, and when I finally convinced him I was okay I told him it could have been a whole lot worse and he says "Yeah, it could have been me!" I looked up at him and laughed out loud! Then I told him that "Yeah, it could have been you and that would be a lot worse because then I would have to listen to him whine...." HA HA HA!!! We play like that a lot, and he really does whine when he hurts. I just grit my teeth and go on. You all know how it is! ;-) (hee hee!)
Hey Jessi, only two more days!!! Hey Betty, only two more days!!! Betty is a gal I work with who used to have horses when she was younger, and she loves reading about the escapades out here. I invited her to go along and check out the mustangs and she is taking off work and going with us! Yay! Jessi is the daughter of Angela, and both of them went with us last year. Poor Angela is going to be leaving for Wyoming on the 16th, so she is going to miss out on the mustang fun. :-( I am so glad they are letting Jessi come with us and yes, we will be checking in with Angela on a regular basis and maybe even tormenting her a little. :-) It will be a fun trip!
Okay, going to get that ice pack now...
Until later, Karen and Tripp
Another bunch of fantastic pictures. Love the baby teeth, he needed a little help with his smile? You say the frog stuck to the windshield for the whole trip?? Talk about sticky fingers. Great pictures and great blog, as usual!
Batman is SOOOOOO CUTE!Had fun today karen let me know what you name your new mustang!Thanks for letting me come!
Ha ha! Yep, that little frog rode 30 minutes to the hay field, and 30 minutes back home.
Jessi, it was great having you with us! It was so much fun, and we really need to talk your Dad into letting you do a yearling next year! :-)
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