We headed to the Conservation area and took a walk. He snorts at everything! I have always had horses that do a short hard snort, but Copper has that long soft snort...I love it!
Copper wanted to check out the map and park rules before we headed out. He is very conscientious about stuff like that. ;-)

This is new - a trash can attached to a tree with baling twine. Yay! We are always picking up trash out there, now we have a place to put it in case our pockets or bags get full. I wonder how many of them are out there now...
Copper is checking it out. He doesn't know it is new...

The next night we went to the vet for a health certificate. We are going to a mustang fun show in Lyndon, KS. We won't be riding...we will just be soaking up the sights and sounds and giving Copper some experience around all the hoop-la. We have not been around anything, so we are long overdue for something like this.
I took him to the lake - it was so quiet and peaceful.
Reflections...(notice the clouds in the water and there is one tree that is already starting to turn colors)

Copper looking over the lake...

This was fun! I set the timer on the camera and set it on the pole barrier thingys. My wrist band was big enough around to put it on the pole, so if I knocked it over, which I did, it would not hit the ground.
Copper and I walking away from camera...

Copper and I after Photoshop! Sweet!

Copper was not really that concerned about the pole road barrier thingys. He had already walked thru and I backed him up thru them again so I could get a pix of him walking out. He is a trooper!

Yep, you got it! Self portrait time! This was on our first walk out there.

Whenever I bring him back from doing something, even if it is just in the big pen, Tandee, my older Arab mare has to check on him to make sure I did not do anything bad.

Misc picture that made its way here...Hemi is sitting on the flatbed trailer and Chase the llama is wanting to check him out.

I had Copper in the big pen and put my heavy saddle on him. It fits better than the one I was using on Wyoming. I still think he looks like an English horse, but I have no English skills to speak of, not to mention an English saddle that fits. At this particular moment, Copper thought touching noses with Millie made him a cow horse! And it does, because I tell him he can be anything he wants...

Our walk at the Conservation area was very nice. I think I needed it about as much as he did - and we both really enjoyed ourselves. We even got into our first real argument! He thought it was grass eating time, and I did not think it was grass eating time! We worked it out...
Have a great weekend everyone!
Until later...Karen and Tripp who wants to go to Kansas
Copper does look good as a cow horse. Hemi is cute. He has pretty markings on a fat wrinkly face, but he is cute alright. Photo shop, that was some interesting work, looks like that could be fun and creative, like FarmVille. I sure am wishing for some new picures, who cares if there is music. It's the absofreakinlutely awesome photos that are important!
I am not Anonymous,I am Too Stupid. I type my name, just don't know why it gets ignored sometimes.
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