We have had a lot of mud like most people so I was wishing for 2-3 days of sub zero temps to freeze our ruts so Brian can get round bales of hay moved. We had several days of windy cold days, so I got my wish and then some. Woo hoo! It got a lot warmer today than it was supposed to, and the ground started thawing pretty quick. That top layer got slicker than heck, so we did not get all of them moved, but we got a pretty good start. In between all this I took a few pictures. I did some video too, but have not put anything together yet. Will hopefully make time to do that soon. These won't be in any particular order....
Brian gets real mad when the donks get to go in the yard. They don't eat grass, they don't eat weeds any more, they go straight for the round bales! Hee hee! I was chasing them back into the barn lot after Brian quit for the day, and Zjax was trying to hide from me. Okay, first of all I saw his ears...then he peeked around the bale at me....

Wendigo is on the right, and her 3 yr old daughter is on the left. Wendigo was one of the first two mustangs we adopted at age 5. Almost 11 months exactly later...Epona showed up! I was totally freaked out and it was the best surprise of my life! Wendigo is a big girl and she did not carry sideways...she carried low so she just looked like a big horse. She did not bag up until the very end...I kept looking because one of the BLM guys who did an inspection thought she might be, but someone else said that 'accident's don't happen, and she had been in captivity for 1 1/2 yrs. Well folks, just so ya know, yeah they do! Hee hee! He was right. May Bruce rest in peace. He passed away and we were not able to share pictures with him. He is one of the many BLM employees who actually loved horses. We miss you Bruce!

Good 'ol Tripp....he is my baby!

Tripp again.... :-) No partial treatment here! No, really....

While Brian was moving bales I hopped up there - okay, very clumsily crawled up there, and I hung out with two of our dogs. Here is Snoop and I in shadow form...

Whoa! Can this be another self portrait? I wanted to see how many critters I could get in the photo with me. I think I did pretty good...and if Tandee and Batman would have cooperated I could have outdid myself! Ha!

Karen: Oh, Snoop loves me!
Snoop: Mmmmmm, tastes like butt!

Joker, Brian's 2008 EMM yearling, now not a yearling, rolling in the flat dirt area. We moved the round bales closer to the big group, then took my big pen apart to protect the bales. I don't think my flat area will stay so flat...Oh well, at least Joker was happy, and most of them took turns in the new and improved rolling spot. :-)

I was kissing up with Joker...

Jester says: What doesn't belong?

Epona was smelling a log in my former pen - something got her going!

Here is Ace, the auction mustang with Tripp in the background. Ace is looking so good! His back is so short...I don't have a saddle that will sit on him right, then one of my mustang friends, Angela, reminded me I have the Wintec English saddle! Yep, that will fit!

Ace was a loner for quite a while. He and Joker would hang out, but Joker is such a well rounded horse he just fits in with everybody. Ace is finally starting to play with the others, including Tripp who can be quite a butt when he wants to.

Someone was asking about the parrots. I could not get a more recent picture of Harriet/Retta the African Gray. I would put the camera in the cage and she would get too close too fast. I took this picture a little while back so will use it again. Every once in a while I let her out to stretch her wings, but I have to move Ben's cage because Harriet will get him to swinging all over the place, and it really makes Ben mad.

Ben is more shy and wishes I would just go away. Now I will say that he will let me touch his chest, but sometimes he will open his little beak and hiss like he is going to show me a lesson. I don't challenge that little beak...

It was a great day, and tomorrow should be another good one. We will get out earlier to finish moving bales, then I plan on trimming some hooves. Life is good....
Until later....Karen and Tripp who is still cuter then heck!