October 26, 2013
I met a friend in Sedalia, Mo. so she can fit Wyoming for Renegade Hoof boots. I stink at measuring and she had the shells to try on. I now know what sizes I need. They are made in the U.S.A. and come in all kinds of fun colors! I have been wanting some for quite a while...and again, I have to wait. BUT...when I get the medical bills, etc., straightened out, Tripp and Wy both will be set up! :-)
On the way to Sedalia (or on the way back home) you see this view...Bothwell Lodge sitting up on the hill. It is beautiful sitting in the middle of the colorful trees. http://www.mostateparks.com/park/bothwell-lodge-state-historic-site
Every time Brian and I drive through this area, we talk about visiting. One day we actually will make time!
After our boot fitting, it just seemed wrong to leave without getting a taste of the Katy Trail. I have heard so many people talk about riding it, and riding through town, etc. I wanted to know how Wy would handle it, and if he was too nervous, we would walk it. I met my friend at the State Fairgrounds, and the entrance to the trail is on the other side. Very convenient.
First of all we checked out the map.

Here is the deal, I am not sure what happens when you get to the other small towns; that is on my future 'to-do' ride, but you do NOT ride through Sedalia like I have heard. Here is a sign that tells horses to go one direction, and the hikers and bicycles can go the other...which consists of going through town for them. Hmpf!
Wyoming wants to know why the horse in the picture is the only one facing the same direction as the arrow, while the other pictures are facing the same direction as the horse? Is it because they have to walk or ride backwards? Is it because they want to be a horse? Is it because they know horses are more pretty and fun? He doesn't think it is fair that they get to walk with horses, but he could not go walk with them. I explained that a trail like this is special. Horses were not always allowed on these trails, and now there are a couple of short sections that do allow horses. So it really is all good. Not all hikers and cyclists like horses on the trail so this is why it is so important to try to follow the rules. We don't want to be the reason they kick horses off the trail - anywhere. Does he look convinced?
When you take off, there are a few back yards of houses on one side of the trail and the fairgrounds 'stuff' and fields on the other. Once you get past the houses, which are not really that close to the trail, it is open field and woods on each side. At least for the first part of it. The horse trail is beside the walking/biking trail, which I think is a neat idea. I know it isn't always feasible in all parks to do something like this, but this is something that hiking and biking friends of mine have mentioned. They love the horses, but not the manure on the trail. They don't all come from my world of step or ride over or around it, or kick it out of the way. Good thing we all don't ride cattle! That would be a different problem! Ha ha!

A sign on the trail....
We had a few bicycles ride by and a few walkers. He really was not as relaxed as I would have liked, but he still handled it all very well for not having been around that kind of noise before. You can hear the town and traffic noise of Sedalia for quite a ways. I let him take a break and watch things for a while.
Some of the fields on the other sides of the trees had cows. Now cows are not a big deal unless they come running to the fence....but you can only hear them for a little bit. Ha ha! Once they got close enough to put a body to the noise, it was not so bad.
On our way back to Sedalia.
And this is where 'hodge-podge' comes in...this is on the dam of the lake at the Conservation Area. We are cartoon shadows. :-)
The ride on the Katy Trail was quick but fun. I would love to just go and go to check out some of the small towns along the way. It is also a great trail for long flat trot work. Tripp of course would think that is a waste of good energy...anything in double digit miles is stupid to him. Wyoming...he is game for it.
After our ride I was hanging out in the parking lot letting Wy eat grass when a family of three rode up on their bikes. I introduced them to Wy and we talked about mustangs. Like many people, they did not realize that mustangs were being captured and that they can be trained. We talked for only a couple of minutes when it started...I will just say it...the little boy was a monster! The monster child was swinging sticks around, throwing them, yelling and just being an all around boy (I can deal with that part) who doesn't listen to his parents (I do NOT deal with that part!)! Wy and I were handling the sticks falling on us okay, although he was not impressed, and I was sucking it up....UNTIL I got hit in the head with a direct hit flying stick! That is when I had enough! The parents said "He is wild. Way more wild that any of those horses...you just can't control him" as they laughed. I just smiled and said "Yeah, they can be. And like some of the great horse trainers say "Be as gentle as you can but as firm as necessary." Dad liked that...then they left to go buy monster child some ice-cream. Yep, he just didn't have enough sugar in his body for the day.
Until later...Karen and Tripp who says he doesn't mind if Wyoming is the one on the trail, as long as he doesn't lose his place in the signature line on the blog. No worries! :-)
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