This calls for playing hookey from work!
This is also my third ride on the new bike. Woo hoo!
Brian and I took 1/2 day vacation to go ride bikes. I have been telling him about the route we take on our Wednesday Women's Ride so we rode most of that. We skipped the ride through town and started at Stephens Lake. There is a paved trail right next to the lake and another that goes around the park...very nice place to walk or ride bikes.
Stephens Lake area is in a Riparian Forest Buffer Zone. The short version of what this is: an area that is either left natural or is re-established with trees, shrubs, grasses, etc. along a stream or river. It helps with water quality & habitat. The 'You are Here' marker on the second picture down is at the bottom of the hill and there is a lot of tall grasses along the trail, then it goes to woods.
It has been quite a while since Brian has ridden. He got sick and that lasted a very long time! (I was worried...but that is the same 'bug' that a lot of people are getting and it just has to run it's course...ugh!) He also did something to his back and the idea of riding bikes did not give him warm happy he is better and wanted to ride with me today! :-)
He surprised me and himself on this ride! He rode farther than we both thought he would! Yes, he was sore! Hee hee! Hey, it happens...even to people who ride a lot.
As we got a ways down the trail we decided I was going to ride to our Wednesday night turn around point then head back and catch up with Brian. My first selfie at the turn around point without the girls. I miss you gals! :-)
I headed back and made the sharp turn into the tunnel under the road and guess who is there? YES! IT WAS BRIAN WITH A BIG SMILE! No picture because I had no idea he would there and I was not prepared!
I turned back around to catch him; when I came out of the tunnel I saw him at the top of the switchback (turn around point) waving at me...still with a big grin! If you look close (or click on the picture to make it bigger) you can see him waving. My position is just outside of the tunnel.

On our way back I decided to take my first pictures from the seat of this bike. AAAHHHH!!!!! Exciting for me! Brian was zooming up behind me....(we love down hills)...and I now know I can take pictures while riding this bike! My position on this bike is different and I am riding with the drop bars so up until now I did not take pictures while riding. But now...Yay me!!!

Brian was making silly faces as he blasted past me! I wish I was quick enough to get the one of him right by was too funny!
A couple pictures of us in the Riparian Buffer Zone. :-)
The day was gorgeous! Temps were perfect, it was overcast most of the time, the wind was not too bad, and I was with my best friend! Priceless!
Brian test rode my bike around the parking lot when we got back and he loves it! A much different ride than his Mtn Bike. We are learning that bikes are like can't have just one. Ha ha! So we will budget for a gravel bike for Brian in the near future.
We had to go to the bike shop because I am embarrassed to say (but I will say it anyways...) that I could not check the air in my tires. I had to count on the 'feel' test. I have presta valves and I thought our pump/gauge combo were for schrader and presta valves both. I didn't think to You Tube it before we left...I have learned a lot from You Tube! Anyways, I asked Brian if he was okay me riding to the bike shop and he can meet me there in the car (he did 9 miles and said that was enough for the day).
Made it to the shop and they showed me how presta valves work, then I You Tubed it so I remember. :-)
My first solo ride across town....AAAHHHH.....the excitement! The nerves! The excitement again! AAAHHHH!!!! So, it was the first time I got to push the button at the cross-walk at Stephens Lake, then wait to make sure traffic really was going to stop at the flashing yellows. I don't like walking across a street on foot so RIDING across one during the busy time of the day was a big deal for me.
And it was my first time riding through town by myself! I feel like a little kid who is allowed to ride her bike to school for the first time all by herself! I was so excited and proud of myself!
All other rides through town have been with our Wednesday group.
I know this would not be a big deal to a lot of people but for me? BIG DEAL! EPIC! AWESOME! I DID IT!
BIKE REPORT....oh, I don't think I have ever told what I am riding. It is a 2018 Specialized Diverge E5 Comp - women's version. It is called a gravel bike...what I call between a hybrid and a road bike. At first glance it looks like a road bike and it can be ridden on gravel and paved roads and does great on both. I needed something that could handle dirt trails (and our dirt roads) and also be great on the paved roads and trails and this bike fit the bill. I will do a better report about the bike itself later.
Back to the report....This was the best ride so far! I know it is only the third one but it was amazing! Here is how my rides have played out so far:
1. Took bike to town (it was cold) to test ride...I rode 8 miles just tooling around, practicing clipping in and out of my pedals, trying to figure out my gearing etc. So my mind was on everything all at once. It was a great ride but not relaxing.
2. It was colder than heck! 11 degrees! But I wanted to ride the first day of the year. We took me and the bike to a small town close by....I rode 3 miles and my finger tips were frozen. They hurt so bad so between that and still getting used to clipping in and out of my pedals and riding on town streets and having my face wrapped up to keep warm I was still concentrating on a lot of things at one time. Still a great ride and was so happy I did it! But not relaxing.
3. Then we have this ride...AWESOME! The temps were perfect! Mid 50's and not too windy. I was very comfortable temp wise and I am getting more comfortable with clipping my shoes in and out of my pedals. I was able to relax and enjoy the ride more while practicing and experimenting. So yeah, this was the best ride so far! And I know they will get better every time I get out there.
As I write this, it is snowing...the ground is I don't think I will be riding today. I will fix the flat on my Mountain is the back tire. It would have been much easier for my first tire repair to be on the front. I want to have the Mtn bike ready to hit the trails at the Conservation Area AND to try out my new pogies! (Pogies are covers that go on the handle bars...will block wind and help keep hands warm).
Until later...