Sunday, June 19, 2011

Wild Horse Program at the Hutchinson, KS Correctional Facility

Here are just a few random pictures of the mustangs the inmates worked with, and how far they have come.  Some of these horses were not put in training until early May, and Open House was June 10th and 11th.

The ball game is a crowd favorite!

The fellow on the pinto named Blick also started a pinto last year named Taco.

Here is my handsome dude!  No silly people!!!!  It is the black horse named Chub!!!  I fell in love with this guy!  Both days my eye went to him...he is one of my two mustang regrets...but that is okay.  He went to a great place that will keep his training moving.

Here is Chub again...he looks and moves like a little Rennaisance horse.

Chub getting a head rub from Don.

The sorrel with the long mane was not in the adoption.  He is going to be a mascot mustang.  He is young and moves fantastic....just imagine what he will look like when he matures.

The guys getting ready for the adoption.

When I get time I will have these plus several other pictures on Facebook. 

Until later....Karen and Tripp who reminded me what I DO have... :-)

1 comment:

Keechy said...

Oh yes, Chub is a hunk. With that natural shape, the colour, and those hairy ankles, you'd think a friesian had had a holiday out on the range. :)

I rather fancy the two creamies too. Good bone.