Thursday, September 30, 2010

A lot can be said for routine.... usually mean relaxation, slowing down, smelling the roses....or in this case, the zinnias....It got too dark and I missed getting a picture of the bumble bee...will try again tomorrow.  I love flowers...the colors make me bright inside.....

The past couple of nights have been very relaxing.  I let the horses and donks into the yard, they run and play with the llama and munch on grass, and I clean and fill water tanks and do some pooper scooping.  IN THE DAYLIGHT!  Woo hoo!  The past 3 months have been so busy with Boom and I found I was choring close to dark or in the dark.  I know a lot of people do, but choring is my visit time with the critters.  It has been a nice couple of evenings....I have not asked much of Boom either.  Just some leading by the jaw out to the yard and back to the pen when it is time along with some halterless flexing.  Tonite he was being contrary so I told him I was getting the halter and we are going to WORK!  I walked back up the hill towards the barn and I hear this clop clop of hoof beats behind he comes, head and ears up, trotting behind me.  The stinker!

When he came in he stopped by Wyoming's food dish and started cleaning up what Wy dropped.  Wy is quite the piglet....has always been that way.  These two get along very well - I am hoping to use that to my advantage in the future.  What handsome mustang butts....oh, with some burro ear in the foreground.  :-) 

Ajax wondered what I was up this point I was actually up to about 3 ft.  Ha!

The weather has been spectacular!  Sunny, cool out, nice breeze....I think Fall has fallen.  I have not seen any hummingbirds for a couple of weeks so I think they have migrated thru... 

Hope everyone gets time to enjoy some of it.  OH!  And the stars in the early mornings!  Can you say WOW!!!!!?  The sky is so clear and the stars just pop!  Very early mornings are my favorite time of day outside...the air is so pure and it is very quiet and relaxing.  Then one of the donks realizes I am out there and brays like there is no tomorrow!  Yep, life is good.....

Until later...Karen and Tripp who loves his girl!  That be me!  :-)

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