Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day after storms...and time to ride...

It started to rain yesterday evening and rained through this morning.  After it was done Brian asked if I was going to go for a ride - the radar was clear.  He suggested earlier rather than later because the wind gusts were going to be wild later this afternoon.  So away I went...

The clouds were moving fast and furious, and the blue sky was trying to show us her lovely face.

The clouds are reflecting off the is so pretty.

TRIPP:  "Thank you kind lady, I think you are pretty too.  Wink wink!"

There is a pasture on the other side of the creek, and the sky was beautiful!

TRIPP:  "Oh man, I wasn't ready.  I would like a re-take."

TRIPP:  "Okay, I am ready now.  Yes, this is much better.  Thank you Girl for trusting my judgment."

It is not easy being green....  There is so much moss out and about.  And the funny thing is, there is probably moss this time of the year, every year.  But I don't ever get out to ride in this unless it is half way decent.  I have a motivator this year...that is why I was out on 25 degree days in January!  I am riding in the 2013 Distance Derby!  I will write about that later...

There is moss on the log...

...and moss on the tree that looks like a big dinosaur leg...

...and moss on the stump to the left of Tripp's ear.


How can I leave out the fungus amungus?  This is another thing that probably loves this time of year, and I never knew until now.

What you can't see is all the little bugs that were flying around this stuff...and they were crawling in and out.

TRIPP:  "Look closely....that is the glow of my halo!  Do you hear the angels singing about my handsomeness?"

Clouds are still moving quickly...

TRIPP:  "Oh geez...another one of those things that makes me get my feet wet.  My hooves are going to wrinkle!"

It is a small creek and is moving pretty good.

Me and my shadow....

It was fairly warm today compared to past few days, but the wind was blowing like crazy which put a slight chill in the air.  During one part of the trail the wind came at us from behind and it was a roaring noise.  It sounded like a big truck with a great exhaust bearing down on us.  It freaked Tripp out, and it was enough for me to double check what was going on behind us because this time of year you never know what the weather is going to do.  When that gust of wind hit the woods, we got pelted with small dead branches!  Tripp was none to happy about that!  At one point there was a devil wind (mini tornado) and it was taller than me on Tripp, and it was full of leaves.  It hit us sideways and Tripp was none too happy about that either.  :-)  At this point I was more worried about the dead branches.  There are a lot of them in this area and I sure didn't want one of the big branches or one of the dead trees that is leaning on a live tree to decide to make its ground breaking debut!

Tripp's mane looks like we are moving fast.  Nope, we moseyed most of the ride today...this is Tripp and his wind blown look.

I love the wind, but not when I get hit with branches.  I was glad to be able to ride today, and I was glad that we got back to the truck without getting hurt.  It really was a gorgeous day and I am lucky to be able to look back and reflect...I am lucky...Life is good!

Until later, Karen and Tripp who has put in a special request for some hair conditioner.  :-)


TheHorseNextDoor said...

I love your mustang. It is my dream to one day own one.

Karen C. said...

Thank you! He really is a doll and I love the heck out of him. Never give up that dream...I had it since I was a little girl and my Dad brought home the brochure from the BLM. It took a while, but I finally got it. :-) And even tho I was not part of Tripp's plan....he got the Girl! Ha ha!

Karen and Tripp